Welcome to the official website of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Assembly (#1620) of the Knights of Columbus, meeting the Fourth Thursday of most months in Catonsville, Maryland. We are a group of Fourth Degree “Sir Knights,” drawn from a set of local Councils, and we meet on the fourth Thursday of most months at Stafford Hall, 2021 Frederick Road, Catonsville, Maryland 21228. Our website has been designed to keep our 4th Degree Worthy Sir Knights informed of meeting dates, member fundraising, parish support, and other activities and events, and to let others who support us (including, our wives, other family members, and friends) know what we are up to. We also want to encourage any interested parties to join us — as Sir Knights in our Assembly, or as guests at our open events.

We are an active Assembly, with a strong Color Corps, and a significant, vocal and giving community of practical catholic gentlemen pursuing a variety of community, church, youth, family, veterans, and culture of life initiatives . We perform these acts under the unifying theme of “Patriotism,” which is the guiding principle of any Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Assembly.


Most of this site is free and open to the public, as the Knights of Columbus prides itself on its openness and its transparency. There are a few pages however, that are limited to our members. These sites contain either personal  information about our members, or things like budgets and meeting minutes.


Like all groups united under the Knights of Columbus umbrella, we are always looking for new members for (or returning veterans to)our Assembly!) If you want to join (or rejoin) us, please contact us through our membership page, or really in any other manner that you see fit. Otherwise, we are happy to hold you in our thoughts and prayers as you proceed through life.

While our works, and our events are diverse,and while we share our efforts and talents in a variety of ways, the heart of our Assembly can be summarized by two key phrases: Vivat Jesu! and, God Bless America!

So, once again, welcome to our website!

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