Our Elected Officers for Our Fraternal Year Ending June 30, 2019 are as follows. We thank all prior officers for their service to our Assembly, and our current officers wish to  humbly thank our Brother Sir Knights for the confidence  they have placed in us, as a group, to lead our Assembly during the current fraternal year.

Officer PositionOfficer
Faithful FriarSK Rev. Joseph Lacy, S.J.
Faithful Assistant to the FriarDeacon Dave Ludwikoski
Faithful NavigatorSK John Jounell
Faithful CaptainSK Alan Pultyniewicz
Faithful PilotSK Tom Devlin
Faithful AdmiralSK Joe Odum
Faithful ComptrollerSK Jim Hull
Faithful ScribeSK Greg Kelly
Faithful PurserSK Chris Rotunda
Faithful Inner SentinelSK Ed Pelsinsky
Faithful Outer Sentinel SK Hollis Shenk
Faithful Trustee - 1 yrSK Ernie Shaefer
Faithful Trustee - 2 yrSK Wallace Sheckells
Faithful Trustee - 3 yrSK John Roth
Faithful Color Corps CommanderSK Charlie Dorsey
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